Guess I just do what you can’t do or make you look stupid and bamboozled, confused as usual.--《despicable》(译:我只会去做你够不着边的东西;或让你看起来相当愚蠢、手足无措如常
I’m thankful for the talent in which God gave me and I’m thankful for the environment that he placed me.----《Never Enough》(译:我感谢上帝赐予我的天分,并感激他把我置身于那么坎坷的境况。)
What rap gave me? It gave me a voice. It gave me an outlet. It gave me strength.(说唱带给了我什么?它给了我发挥特长的机会,给了我发泄的途径,还赋予了我前进的力
Excuse me if my head is too big for this building. Pardon me if I'm a cocky prick, but your cocks are slick.——Lighters(如果我太过狂妄自负,那真是不好意思。原谅我是个自负的混蛋,但你们也太爱装逼了。
I know some shit's so hard to swallow, but I just can't sit back & wallow in my own sorrow.—— Beautiful(有些P事会弄得我们不知如何是好。但咱也不能就傻坐着沉浸在悲伤中无法自拔吧。)
Tryin’ to give me the finger is kinda like givin’ the spider the web. I’m just gonna spin & try to use it to my advantage. (对我竖中指,就好比给了一只蜘蛛一面网。蜘蛛结网,而我会将你的鄙视化为动力,搞出点名堂让你看看。)
Lord, just grant me the strength that I need for one more day to get through. —— You're Never Over(请赐予我多撑下去一天的力量。)觉得快要撑不住的时候默念这句话。
2 all the people I've offended, **** u too! 4 everytime I reminisce, I miss my past. But still IDGAF, y'all can KISS MY ASS. - Just Don't Give A ****(对曾冒犯过的人说句**妈!对怀念的过去说声我想你。但眼下我还是DGAF,不爽你可以来亲我PP啊